A treatise in which we find coherent and specific explanations flowing from the direct experience of the V.M. Samael, concerning the true nature of what has been known as “Devil”, about the Infra-dimensional Realms of Nature, about Karma or the divine punishments for the sinful souls. A book that comes to update the teachings poured by Dante Alighieri in his immortal work The Divine Comedy.
Yes there is Hell, Yes there is Devil, Yes there is Karma
The consequences of awakening our Consciousness
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Anthropology, Psychology, Metaphysics, 0
Beloved readers: Considering that it is important to increase more and more our understanding of the hermetic path that...
The Life and Work of a Great Sage
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Psychology, Metaphysics, Topical Issues, 0
El Maestro era una persona terriblemente humilde, profundamente sagrado, pero qu...
Evolution, Involution, Revolution
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Anthropology, Psychology, Metaphysics, 0
In practice, we have been able to verify that materialistic schools as well as spiritualist schools are completely bottled...
Signatura rerum
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Universal Symbols, Metaphysics, Dimensions, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Mensajes del V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Esoterismo, Jacob Böhme, 0
The engraving in question was made by Jacob Böhme (1575-1624) in one of his posthumous works. For many of the...
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Universal Symbols, Metaphysics, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Mensajes del V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Simbolismo, Dios Madre, La Serpiente, Deidades, 0
I want to show you, on this occasion, a very ancient sculpture that responds to the name of ...
The Essence
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Psychology, Metaphysics, 0
That which makes any new born child beautiful and adorable is his Essence; the latter constitutes in itself his...
Magazine Abraxas International No. 43
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Metaphysics, Astrology, 0
Dearest readers: I am addressing you in order to send you some answers dictated by V.M. Samael Aun Weor...
What does the Ray of Force entail?
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Metaphysics, Astrology, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Mensajes del V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, 0
I am pleased to come to you to try to decipher what it must mean for us, lovers of...