A treatise in which we find coherent and specific explanations flowing from the direct experience of the V.M. Samael, concerning the true nature of what has been known as “Devil”, about the Infra-dimensional Realms of Nature, about Karma or the divine punishments for the sinful souls. A book that comes to update the teachings poured by Dante Alighieri in his immortal work The Divine Comedy.
Yes there is Hell, Yes there is Devil, Yes there is Karma
The work on the inferior emotions
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Psychology, Metaphysics, 0
Dear readers: I am sending you in this message the very truthful words of our Avatar about the need...
Consciousness, initiation and language!
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Metaphysics, Alchemy, Kabbalah, 0
Esteemed reader: I want to send you the following message related to: CONSCIOUSNESS, INITIATION AND LANGUAGE! Esteemed reader: When...
Why does God Mother like to appear to mankind in every century and in every place?
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Metaphysics, Mysticism, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Mensajes del V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, 0
There was talk of apparitions of Our Lady before the First World War, before the Second World War and...
The law of contrasts
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Metaphysics, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, 0
Dear readers: I am pleased to send you a few lines about: THE LAW OF CONTRASTS The Law of...
On what basis does the great law punish us?
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Metaphysics, Topical Issues, 0
Dear friends: I am very pleased to write to you to talk about: ON WHAT BASIS DOES THE GREAT...
The Seven Words
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Metaphysics, 0
The V.M. Samael Aun Weor masterfully brings us closer to the most exalted figure of our Aryan race, which...
The odyssey of living the Secret Path or the Hermetic Path
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Psychology, Metaphysics, 0
We constantly read statements related to what we call the Hermetic Path or the Secret Path, and in most...
The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Read online!, Anthropology, 0
A treatise that summarizes the historical and anthropological transcendence of the Atlantean descendants who managed to create one of...