Dearest readers:
By means of the present I send you a new revelation, now referring to:

This engraving, like the other previous ones, belongs to the artists Maerten de Vos and Adrian Collaert, both of Flemish origin.
In the main scene we can see a lady reclining on the tree of life ─the BEING─ and pointing with her right hand to a spider’s web, while with her left she holds a bird. This lady is sitting on a rock representative of the stone of stumbling and rock of scandal ─sexuality─ as Saint Paul so well described it.
Gnosticism teaches us that while it is true that spiders can symbolize tenebrous forces, it is also very true that the spider alludes to the destiny of each one of us, which is woven as time passes. On one occasion the V.M. Samael replied to a student who had seen himself wrapped in some spider webs that that symbolized his “I’s” of atheism….
At the feet of the lady we can observe three animals: a turtle, a lizard or salamander and a scorpion. In this regard we have to say that the turtle was in medieval times, among the alchemists, a symbol of the fixed element within the transmutatory art ─namely: the Fire─. For this reason it is not endowed with wings and the work of Fire is done slowly in our occult anatomy.
On the other hand, the scorpion allegorizes the sexual force, without which it would be impossible to carry out the inner Great Work. Next, we must emphasize that the lizard or salamander was used by alchemists to point out the already developed Secret Fires.
At the top of this engravingwe are being told, through the maiden, that only by means of the mercury –volatile, the bird– indicated by the woman in our engraving can we wisely weave our destiny. This is possible when we do not fall into fornication.
It was fornication that caused us to be expelled from the paradise of Consciousness, as we see indicated in the left part of our engraving, precisely under the spider web. Accompanying Eve and Adam being expelled from paradise, we see with them a crawling serpent. This serpent is the one that Apollo irritated, wounded with his arrows ─representative of fornication─ and which the Creator condemned to live always crawling on the earth…. In this context we observe a Cherub expelling with his flaming sword those who violated the orders of the Most Holy.
On the other side of the engraving we are shown the Great Kabir of Galilee ─V.M. Aberamentho─ in the scene in which he was calling some fishermen who were his disciples and to whom he said: “You have hitherto been fishers of fish, now I will make you fishers of souls”, referring to the fact that he was going to prepare them to take the Christian doctrine to the corners of humanity.
That is why we see one of those fishermen running toward the Messiah because together with his companions he had been amazed at the miracle that Jesus had caused them by allowing them an abundant catch… There, in this fragment, we see his disciples collecting in their nets the immense quantity of these aquatic creatures.
As a corollary, in the background, we see some ships that sail the sea. These ships represent the mysteries of the Arcanum A.Z.F., which allows us to navigate in the bronze sea of the medieval alchemists. A tower culminates our engraving symbolizing our spine and from it we see smoke coming out. That smoke is the product of the disintegration of our animal psychological aggregates.
This engraving is accompanied by some sentences written in Latin. Here you seen them:
"Pertenues tactu quae nectitiaranea telas. Nocte dieque suum pendula texis opus. Quae tactu bona, quae tactu fiantimala, norunt. Qui faciunt: factum iudice ipse Deus".
‘The Spider that through the touch interweaves very subtle webs, suspended night and day weaves its work. The things that are good to the touch, those that are bad to the touch were known by those who make them: God himself judge what has been done.’
With these words we are being told that our actions will speak for us before the supreme judge: God.
I send you, now, some sentences for reflection:
“The great, indestructible miracle is the human belief in miracles.”
Jean Paul Richter
“Miracles happen outside the order of Nature, and mysteries are those that seem like miracles and are not, but rather cases that rarely happen.”
“All miracles are like that, sudden. The miracle, ─said one thinker─, is nothing more than the sudden appearance of a hidden reality.”
Amado Nervo
“Mercy and Truth go together: they are the kiss of Justice and Peace.”
Bible, Psalms.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”
Gospel of Saint Matthew
─’With united forces’─.