Dearest friends:
I am writing to you with great pleasure to speak to you about…

Monstrance is the liturgical instrument that Catholic Christianity uses in its processions to show the power of the Holy Spirit. These types of instruments are very old and really belong to Gnosticism and not to Catholicism. For us, lovers of Gnosis, this what we call monstrance symbolizes the extraordinary generating and regenerating powerof the feminine yoni as part of the sexual mysteries of the inner Great Work.
It must be said in advance that this relic is found inside the Gothic cathedral of St. Moritz, in the city of Ingolstadt, Germany. There are many beautiful monstrances and all of them show rays of the sun –or expressions of fire– because everyone knows that Self-Realization is only possible by practicing the mysteries of the lingam-yoni and pudenda; that leads us toward the incarnation of the Cosmic Christ.
Analyzing this work of religious goldsmithing we find a figure ─the Christ─ at the base of the object and He shows us the naked left leg. We have already commented in other articles that this act of showing the knee was, among alchemists, a way of recognizing one another as part of the esoteric brotherhoods of the Middle Ages.
In the center of this instrument we see a dove that carries in its beak a marvelous feather ─symbol of the Holy Spirit─. This central part is surrounded by a sun that emits rays inwardly and outwardly. This sun is the igneous power that suprasexuality radiates, which radiates its forces inward within us to purify us and outward to defend us from the tenebrous forces.
In the inner part of the sun we can observe a crescent. This moon with the sun symbolizes the exchange of lunar forces ─feminine─ with solar forces ─masculine─.
Above the dove we can find three crowns, one on top of the other. We must point out that these three crowns of this work of goldsmithing represent the crown of the Father, the crown of the Son and the crown of the Holy Spirit.
These crowns are surrounded by precious stones –the virtues─. Likewise, these crowns are surrounded by flames ─the forces of INRI─, and around these flames we can see eight stars of eight points each. This is the symbol of the Eightfold Path that only opens for walkers of the alchemical Direct Path.
On the third crown we find the two keys of Saint Peter, alluding to the Sulfur and Mercury of the sages. Those keys are crossed forming an X. The latter leads us to the reminder that only by means of the incessant crossing of Sulfur and Mercury in the laboratorium oratorium of our physical body can we achieve victory. We cannot forget that the X in Gnostic Kabbalah is equivalent to the letter K, which links us with the word CHRESTOS, KRESTOS or XRESTOS, to end in the word CHRIST.
The whole object is surrounded by twenty-four straight vertebrated rays and twenty-four flames decorated with precious stones. The number twenty-four allegorizes the mysteries of sex. Twenty-four, added kabbalistically, gives us the sum of the number 6. The sixth mystery, according tothe Pistis Sophia unveiled by our Patriarch, V.M. Samael Aun Weor, is the loom of God, and that loom is the sexual force. Finally, at the top of the relic we see a cross with a trilobed finish and precious stones. This cross is the one that reminds us of the Latin phrase In Hoc Signo Vinces ─with this symbol you will conquer─. That is the true Christian Gnostic-Rosicrucian mystery.

According to some historians, the use of the monstrance or ostensorium became popular after the establishment of the feast of Corpus Christi, from the thirteenth century. The consecrated host was placed in these objects of goldsmithing to be carried in procession or so that the faithful could adore it as the body of Christ. The monstrances are true pieces of art made of gold or silver that sometimes contain crystals or precious stones. From the beginning of this tradition, enormously elaborate monstrances were made to show the importance of the Eucharist.
I now add a few sentences to be reflected upon:
“The truth of children is angelic, that of the old is divine.”
Carmen Silva
“Truth is the soul of history.”
Antonio de Solis
“The truth is corrupted by lies or silence.”
“Truth is of such excellence that when it praises little things it ennobles them.”
Leonardo da Vinci
“Truth is like duty: it imposes itself, it does not at all give orders, and, whether easy or difficult, sweet or bitter, it is always good.”
Concepcion Arenal
─’Let there be Light’─.