A masterful book that has always been the ideological basis of the inner work that each human being must do upon himself. Never before has a book been written in the world of esotericism, so clear, so precise, and unique regarding the manner of working on our psychology and on that energy that had the power to bring us to this world: the sexual energy, with the aim of making light within our inner darkness. With this exceptional treatise, it will be better understood why the Sacred Scriptures assert that man and woman left Eden together, and also, why they can only return to it together.
Perfect Matrimony
What does it truly mean to have an authentic fraternity among brothers?
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Anthropology, Psychology, Topical Issues, 0
Beloved readers: I want to send all of you these reflections about the following: WHAT DOES IT TRULY MEAN...
The Life and Work of a Great Sage
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Psychology, Metaphysics, Topical Issues, 0
El Maestro era una persona terriblemente humilde, profundamente sagrado, pero qu...
Toward Gnosis
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Psychology, Metaphysics, 0
The Christmas Message of 1964-65, known as Toward Gnosis, is a short and simple work to read, but at...
Angel chained to the world
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Universal Symbols, Alchemy, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Arte, Simbolismo, Alquimia, Pia desideria, 0
On this occasion we enter into this engraving that was made in Antwerp ─Belgium─ in the year 1624. ...
To what extent is it necessary to undergo our psychological death on this Path?
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Gnosis & Gnosticism, Psychology, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Gnosis, Mensajes del V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, 0
For many years, V.M. Samael has been bending over backwards trying to get to the Gnostic multitudes the imperious...
The Different “I’s”
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Psychology, Metaphysics, 0
The rational mammal mistakenly called man, really does not possess defined individuality. Unquestionably, this lack of psychological unity in...
The astral body
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Metaphysics, Alchemy, Dimensions, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, 0
Highly appreciated readers: I send you, on this occasion, an article published in the magazine ABRAXAS, in which our...
Erroneous States
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Psychology, 0
No one could deny that inside us we carry many errors, and that erroneous states exist. If truly we...