![Ode to the glorious Samael](https://ventas.vopus.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Ode-to-the-glorious-Samael_27.10.2021_eng-1-scaled.jpg)
![Ode to the glorious Samael](https://ventas.vopus.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Ode-to-the-glorious-Samael_27.10.2021_eng-1-scaled.jpg)
The Hindus worship the forces of the Holy Spirit under the form of the divine Elephant, which they call...
This engraving by the German philosopher Jacob Böhme (1575-1624), is an allusion to the work on ourself and to...
Observe first of all that the central figure, at the top of this engraving, is the image of Our...
In the name of the one hundred thousand virgins of the ineffable mystery that is hidden in the depths...
Este grabado que pertenece a la Biblioteca Herzog August, Alemania, nos enseña que para ingresar en el reino del...
Appreciated readers: I allow myself to send you, in this message, a few words concerning: WHAT DOES IT MEAN...
La oración del Padrenuestro es el poder mágico más grandioso para despertar el chakra del corazón. Orar es conversar con...
Dearly beloved companions: Allow me to greet you and send you a few words to commemorate… …ONE MORE YEAR...
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