Alchemy, that millenary science which promised the transformation of lead – of the personality – into gold – of the Spirit – to his adepts, regains importance with the unveiling that the author does about the work entitled Mutus Liber. This work, published at the end of the Middle Ages, was certainly much researched by the lovers of the so-called HERMETIC ART, but very few came to the undertone of its postulates. MUTUS LIBER SPEAKS now allows the sincere devotees of the transmutatory art to comprehend the deep relationship between that Hermetic Science and the human person.
Mutus Liber Speaks
The mystery of Abraxas
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Alchemy, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, 0
Dear readers: THE MYSTERY OF ABRAXAS I am pleased to send you this document published in the journal ABRAXAS...
Sacred Sexuality
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Alchemy, 0
En la clase anterior, 'Los Poderes Trascendentales de la Energía Sexual', hemos ...
Per me se va tra la perduta gente
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Universal Symbols, Alchemy, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, 0
I hasten to send you this curious sculpture whose creator is Torquato Della Torre. The sculpture was made between...
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Alchemy, 0
You will find in this treatise, avid reader, the answers, finally revealed, of what Alchemy is, how it can...
Love (The Perfect Matrimony)
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Psychology, Alchemy, 0
God as FATHER is WISDOM. God as MOTHER is LOVE. God, as Father, resides in the Eye of Wisdom....
On the choice of grace
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Universal Symbols, Alchemy, Mysticism, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Simbolismo, Esoterismo, Jacob Böhme, 0
But what do we refer to when we speak of the STATE OF GRACE? Without a doubt, we are...
Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Universal Symbols, Alchemy, Messages from the V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, Alquimia, Fulcanelli, Piedra filosofal, Karl von Eckhartshausen, Simbolismo, 0
I hasten to send you this engraving entitled Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries. This beautiful...
The Mystery of the Golden Blossom
V.M. Samael Aun Weor, , Read online!, Alchemy, 0
Tantrism, with its aspects in Anagaranga, Kama-Sutra and Kama-Kalpa, finds in this essential work of Gnosticism the "real explanation...