All this mental perversion has led us to two world wars that punished millions of human beings by committing...
El Maestro era una persona terriblemente humilde, profundamente sagrado, pero qu...
At present, there are very few schools that possess true esoteric knowledge. Unfortunately, most of the misnamed “esoteric” schools...
The esoteric discipline is the exercise of human willpower together with a work method in order to obtain results...
Meditation can be defined as science, as an art or as a discipline, and even as a technique.
La tradición hermética es aquel sistema doctrinario que sea capaz de ligar, o re...
Gnosis in front of the Current World
V.M. Kwen Khan Khu, , Psychology, Metaphysics, Topical Issues, 0The man, within what we call the egoism, thinking only of himself, thinking only...
One has to be a person who has longing to overcome oneself, because those longings will help one to...
The Essence has to respond to those stimuli, let’s say, with work. It has to put also its part...
Many of the questions posed by the students of Gnosis at the level of the famous INNER PSYCHOLOGICAL WORK...
Gnosis is the biggest gift the Great Law could have bestowed upon us. Gnosis is a verifiable path, it...
Can we create the kind of life we want? Yes! However, transformation of our lif...
What is consciousness? It is a faculty that allows us to reach the knowledge of ...
In the previous class 'Psyche and the Dreams' we learnt about the universal appe...
Who can deny the reality of dreams? Sometimes the dreams are pleasant and other ...