O estado interior

Combining inner states with external events in a correct manner is knowing how to live intelligently…

Any intelligently experienced event demands its corresponding specific inner state…

However, unfortunately, when people review their life, they think that the latter is in itself constituted exclusively by external events…

Poor people! They think that if this or that event had not happened to them, their life would have been better…

They suppose that luck came their way and that they lost the opportunity to be happy…

They lament what is lost, they bemoan what they despised, they groan remembering the old stumbles and calamities…

People do not want to realize that vegetating is not living, and that the ability to exist consciously depends exclusively on the quality of the inner states of the soul…

It does not matter, certainly, how beautiful the external events of life are if we are not in such moments in the appropriate inner state; the best events may seem monotonous, tiresome or simply boring…

Someone anxiously awaits the wedding party, it is an event, but it could happen that one is so worried at the precise moment of the event that really one does not experience any delight in it, and that all of it becomes as arid and cold as a protocol…

Experience has taught us that not everyone who attends a banquet or a dance truly enjoys themselves…

There is always a bored person in the best of celebrations, and the most delightful songs can make some happy and make others cry…

The people who know how to consciously combine the external event with the appropriate inner state are very rare…

It is lamentable that people do not know how to live consciously: they cry when they should laugh and they laugh when they should cry…

Control is different: the wise man can be cheerful, but never filled with crazy frenzy; sad but never desperate and depressed; serene in the midst of violence; abstainer in a spree; chaste in lust, etc.

Melancholic and pessimistic people think the worst of life, and frankly, they do not want to live…

Every day we see people who are not only unhappy, but who moreover –and what is worse– also make the lives of others bitter…

People like this would not change, not even if they lived daily from party to party; they carry the psychological illness inside themselves… Such people possess definitely perverse intimate states…

However, those characters consider themselves to be just, holy, virtuous, noble, obliging, martyrs, etc., etc., etc.

They are people who self-consider themselves too much; people who love themselves very much…

Individuals who take great pity on themselves and who always seek a way out to avoid their own responsibilities…

People like this are used to inferior emotions, and it is obvious that for this reason they create infra-human psychic elements on a daily basis.

Unfortunate events, reversals of fortune, misery, debts, problems, etc., are exclusive to those people who do not know how to live…

Anyone can acquire a rich intellectual culture, but very few people have learned to live righteously…

When one wants to separate the external events from the inner states of Consciousness, one concretely demonstrates one’s inability to exist in a dignified way.

Those who learn to consciously combine external events with inner states are on the road to success…

Revolutionary Psychology, Chapter VII, “The Inner State”
Samael Aun Weor


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